
A project for 60 sewer children

An estimated 3,000 children between the ages of 12 and 17 live like rats in the capital’s sewers. They have no parents, only distant relatives. They eat what they find in the trash cans and that is real waste.

In our first house there is room for 30 young people and they live there under supervision. During the first year they receive a hard and intensive circus training every morning. In this way we teach them self-discipline, concentration and self-confidence. In the afternoon they receive technical drawings for wood and metalworking. In the evenings they go to school and at the weekend they have their own scouts group.

From the second year they move to another house. Here they receive one hour of training every morning on money management and independence. This is followed by 5 months of practical lessons in the wood workshop and 5 months in metalworking. In recent months they have been doing an internship and can prepare to take their lives into their own hands again.

Once they have successfully completed the program and leave the project, they will receive temporary financial support for the rent of a room and studies. Many of them now dare to go back to distant relatives because they have found their pride and have a future.

The results are fantastic, so we are still dreaming of a workshop for electricity and plumbing!

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